Battle Rages On To Protect Our Health Freedoms

Posted on June 19, 2012. Filed under: Activism, blue sage wellness, freedom, health, Health & Healing, Health & Wellness, health freedoms, natural remedies | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

”If people let the government decide what food they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~Thomas Jefferson

The stealth with which both Congress and the FDA have been trying to grab our health freedoms in recent years is deplorable. The good news is that with every move to threaten our freedom of choice, the pushback from angry citizens is gaining more traction and an awareness of this serious problem is not lost on many as time passes.  Unfortunately, it’s not just the health arena where freedom has been taken for granted.

Congress has also turned to the internet – our alpha expression of a  truly free market. They have been relentless about sneaking  bills through the backdoor (SOPA, PIPA and now the newly disguised CISPA) which masquerade as cyber-security bills, but essentially eliminate internet neutrality and give the U.S. government unprecedented access to individuals’ online data and communications. It is not a far cry to say the government could “own” the internet in the not too distant future. The Internet Defense League was put into place to battle any and all ongoing threats to internet freedom, privacy and neutrality. (more…)

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